What the hell! Catherine eventually kept Diane from the King’s bedside after he suffered a fatal jousting accident, but that was basically the only thing she could do. The paintings hung in a castle Henri bought for her, which in some eyes (mine) is almost the equivalent the King “liking” them on Instagram. Perhaps in an effort to symbolize her position as pseudo-royal, she commissioned all these nude portraits and sculptures of herself. Diane, of course, relished her position as mistress/Mary Kay Letorneau.

Almost immediately, he became involved with a 35-year-old woman named Diane De Portiers and installed her as his girlfriend for twenty-odd years, to the intense annoyance of poor Catherine. Let’s examine the case of sixteenth-century queen Catheine de Medici, who according to Wikipedia was “small of stature, and thin, and without delicate features, but having the protruding eyes peculiar to the Medici family.” When poor Catherine was 14 she married Henri IV of France who was also 14. There have, of course, been times in history when a man’s esteem for pictures has been truly important and indicative of some larger emotional trend. Should I bring it up with him, or will that make me sound like a stalker? What do I do? I can’t help but notice he is always liking pictures of other girls he knows, and it really bothers me! I never used to be jealous, but now I’m obsessing over these Valencia-tinted vixens.

I trust my boyfriend and respect his privacy, but his Instagram and Facebook accounts are linked, so every time he “likes” (or is it “hearts”?) a picture on Instagram, a notification shows up on my news feed. Send questions for Clio care of Rebecca Harrington at. Meet Clio, Muse of History and Cut advice columnist. Those who don’t know the past are doomed to repeat it.